Opal Clinics

Hair weaving

What is hair weaving?

Hair weaving is non-surgical procedure in which the hair extensions are attached to the existing hair unlike the wigs.

How does it work?

There are number of processes such as pasting, fusion, hair bonding and netting used to perform hair weaving. In this process, either the natural or artificial hair is attached to the exciting hair of the patient without any surgery.

The hair clips and other appliances are sued to keep the hair in place. This procedure is safe and doesn’t have any side effects.


Hair weaving is a non-invasive and non-surgical process for brightening your hair condition. It is cheaper and quicker than other baldness treatments.

If you have issues like thin hair or patchy hair, you can go for this treatment and get excellent results. It is a painless treatment that will give your hair intense density and freshness.

Hair weaving | Hair Clinic in Rajkot | opalclinics